50 Hours of Worship & Prayer

Join us in exalting the name of Jesus during that time!

24+ worship&prayer

Together with people from the region and churches/ministries from Poland and Czech Republic we gather each month for 50 hours of worship and prayer. Each month the leadership team prays about the theme scripture for this particular time which is our focus in worship and prayer.   


Come and join us! We invite you to be part of this event, to encounter the Lord and experience worship with people from different nations.

If you want to lead a prayer or worship session in the 50 hours please write on this e-mail address jhherrnhut247@gmail.com

Planned dates for 2024 and schedule for the upcoming time:

Friday 23rd - Sunday 24th August

Friday 27th - Sunday 29th September

Friday 18th - Sunday 20th October

Friday 22nd - Sunday 24th November


Friday, July 26th

Time Type / Theme Language Leader
18-19:30 Shabbat De
19:30-20 Worship De/En Uwe
20-21 Worship De/En Uwe
21-22 Prayer for the school in Ruppersdorf De Dominik
23-24 Worship&Intercession De/En Wolfgang F.

Saturday, July 27th

Time Type / Theme Language Leader
0-1 Worship&Intercession De/En Wolfgang F.
1-2 Prayer for Israel De/En Bettina
2-3 Gebet Pl Jan Wardęga
3-4 Shabbat Reading En/De Ray
4-5 Prayer En/De Ray
5-6 Prayer for Korea De Ray
6-7 Prayer En/De Nick
8-9 Prayer De Mission Hauskreis
9-10 Prayer for economy De Gottfried
10-11 Prayer De/En Gebetshausleiter
11-12 Prayer De Maren
12-13 Worship&Prayer Pl Group from Wroclaw
13-14 Worship&Prayer Pl Group from Wroclaw
14-15 Worship De/En Marie
15-16 Bible reading 'Lectio devina' De Sandra
16-17 Creative Bibelmeditation/prayer En/De Nicole
17-18 Creative Bibelmeditation/prayer En/De Nicole
18-19 Prayer De Kerstin
20-21 Worship&Prayer De/En Frauenfrühstück Team
21-22 Worship&Prayer De Gottfried & Hanne
22-23 Adoration Michael
23-24 Adoration De/En Elinor

Sunday, July 28th

Time Type / Theme Language Leader
1-2 Prayer for Israel De/En Bettina
2-3 Worship De/En Wolfgang F.
3-4 Worship&Intercession De Kerstin
4-5 Worship&Intercession De Kerstin
9-10 Prayer De Ministry Team
10-11 De Gottesdienst
11-12 De Gottesdienst




16-17 Worship Pl/En Gosia
17-18 Worship De/En Marie
18-19 Prayer De Maren
19-20 Feedback